With Just a Breath

Take a deep breath, connect your exhale to the healing power of the 528 Hz frequency, savor the experience, and invite Peace, Joy, and Love into your life so you may live your highest potential with grace.​

The Be Peace Lovetuner™ is a revolutionary approach to reduce stress, relieve anxiety and arrive at peace in the present moment, connecting your exhale with the power of the 528 Hz frequency.
This exclusive gift of love from the HeartSpa™ includes:
A beautiful gift box with velvet insert and instructions for use.​​​
Copper charm stamped and attuned with mindful intention to amplify Peace, Joy, and Love.
Special invitation to the next remote unified Diamond Heart Attunement. ​​
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Peace on Earth
Together, we empower even more peace in hearts, minds, homes, classrooms and communities worldwide.
​​Using simple science, faith of a mustard seed, and the heart songs of millions, together, we will manifest world peace. ​
We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
~ Albert Einstein
Simple Science
Sound changes form. An opera singer can crack a crystal glass. We have the power to use our breath and the sound of our voice to fan the flame of genius and transmute the density of discord to ignite and embrace peace. ​​​​
Active Participation
Listening to the power of 528 Hz vibrational frequency is different than tuning your heart and mind to the 528 Hz frequency. Tuning to the 528 Hz with the Be Peace Lovetuner™ is an active experience that engages the player on a cellular level.​
Faith of a Mustard Seed
Beneath the weight of division, beyond right and wrong doing, each of us has a beautiful and unique signature of light that flows freely when awakened, aligned, and attuned with our True Self. Most of us, including those who have been labeled beyond verbal autistic, have been holding this priceless resonance in the sacred silence until it is safe.
Heart Songs of Millions
When it is safe to do so, amphitheaters held within the stabilized 528 Hz love frequency will be filled around the world. These vibrational sanctuaries will nourish our heavenly vocals so they may be harmonized in divine union, expressing in miraculous ways as a Symphony of Light to broadcasts waves of peace, joy, love and beauty that will change the world of form.

Each HeartSpa™ affiliate, associate, and gift of love is curated to ensure the originator's intention aligns with the PayPeaceForward mission and has been divinely attuned to empower peace.​​