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Journey to the Heart of Education

Education for the Heart

Are you ready to unite and explore how we may simplify teaching and learning? Pause and take a breath.  You've made it this far. There are no accidents that you are here.   


When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.  


This self-paced, distant learning constructivist professional development course nourishes the heart and engages the mind of parents, teachers and innovators while illuminating the framework for vibrational education.


Construct your own meaning as you practice Vibrational Education Tools and New Now™ Strategies that nourish the heart and engage the mind so together we can simplify the complexities of teaching and learning.

Engage genius to help guide our way through this pandemic and beyond. 

  • Explore Positive Psychology Theory

  • Practice healthy habits that are scientifically proven to increase happiness

  • Explore future forward thinking as you witness the synthesis and expanded understanding of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, Guilford’s Structure of Intellect, and Hawkins’s Map of Consciousness

  • Expand awareness of the genius gifts beyond the label of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

  • Transcend current understanding of trauma-informed teaching, Social Emotional Learning (SEL) and how we serve English Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) 

  • Reset the mind to align the heart and prepare to consciously create unparalleled Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) and empower expanded Makerspace to source sustainable solutions

  • Demonstrate a deeper understanding of informed advocacy that supports nourishing teachers and students

  • Sample strategies to experience your own transformation and inspire even more innovation, connection, curiosity and a love for learning with others!​

Journey to the Heart of Education Teacher Professional Development HeartSpa

Journey to the Heart of Education

This essential professional development class uses the constructivist approach to move beyond labels like Asberger's and autistic by exploring: 

  • Positive Psychology Theory

  • Constructivist Classrooms

  • What If? - It's Time for a New Understanding

  • Leave the Labels to Touch the AWE in Autism

  • Illuminate Hawkin's Map of Consciousness

  • Move Beyond Gilford's Structure of Intellect

  • Discover the Heart of Education

  • Raise Your Vibration

  • Transmute the Density of Discord

  • Practice Vibrational Education Tools

  • Prepare to Access Future Forward Thinking

Professional Development HeartSpa

Nourish your heart and engage your mind.  

Bonus Gift

Learn how teachers can receive professional development units and/or college credit to advance their career and/or meet their license renewal requirements.

Teacher Professional Development HeartSpa

Radiate heart coherence to awaken the purity that resides in untapped human potential.

Your New Now Guide

Deborah in an Educator of the Heart with over 35 years experience engaging, enlightening and empowering the highest potential in students of all ages and abilities.  


She was the Coordinator of The Student Leadership Development Center for nearly nine years where she worked closely with student leaders from seven statewide student leadership organizations. After receiving her Masters in Education, she taught high school business classes for six years and honed her talents as a constructivist teacher and a community leader with comprehensive, relevant, innovative, curriculum development. 


After leaving the high school classroom she journeyed to the heart of education and learned that some of her most advanced teachers in New Now™ classrooms are masters of unity consciousness disguised as beyond verbal autistic. 


Deborah is an award winning educator and professional development leader with a passion for honoring the spiritual gifts deep within the heart of all humanity.  She is part of a movement to change the education conversation to make the world an even better place for all. 

Deborah has been honored as Vocational Teacher of the Year, Crystal Apple Educator, ING Unsung Hero and Freedom Writer Teacher.  She is the author of Become and a co-author of the New York Times Best Seller, Teaching Hope.  

Professional Development HeartSpa
Essential professional development to engage autistic genius
Essential professional development to engage autistic genius

​Change the education conversation and help make the world an even better place.

Meeting Deborah has been life changing. Her healing work, no matter what your focus or intention, creates change in all areas of your life. Her presence is warm, nurturing and makes you feel instantly at ease. ~ Bianca 


She motivates her students to bring out the best of them so they can accomplish their goals/tasks to the best of their abilities. . .but most of all she makes you feel like you are a meaningful member of the school and beyond that society. ~ Maria


Debbie is known as a collaborator and has created excellent systems of communication and group work that involved the voices of business leaders, higher education representatives, students, parents and staff. ~ Patti


She has been an excellent teacher, mentor and ‘coach’ towards success. ~ Ann


Amazing – able to let go of the “questioning mind” and allow the experience and truth to occur. Effects: Inner-reconnection, new intentions, and released some old patterns. ~ Derek 


I can barely describe my experience by words because it was something that belongs to some Higher Plane. She sees your beauty and power and she reflects it back to you with the grace of the Divine. ~ Maia


Working with Debbie has been profoundly empowering. Her intuitive gifts have helped me on many occasions to get to the root of my emotions and help me find balance and peace within. ~ Jackey


When Deborah Baker took the stage at the Holistic Teaching and Learning Conference, a hush fell over the audience.  As she began to speak it was impossible to look away.  We were mesmerized.  The energy pouring forth was compelling, healing, and beyond words powerful.  As one young lady in the audience stated, "She’s got powers."  Deborah’s empowerment activations are astounding. I can’t wait to see her on stage again. ~ Zahra

Deborah Baker is a profound teacher. Any institution and those she would be interacting with within that setting would greatly benefit from her leadership gifts, communication skills, profound insights, and ability to create meaningful partnerships among peers. She combines a deep level of dedication, insight, understanding, sensitivity, and compassion along with her strong and well-developed business skills. ~ Gayle

Professional Development HeartSpa
Professional Development HeartSpa
Professional Development HeartSpa
Professional Development HeartSpa

Empower peace in hearts, homes, classrooms and communities worldwide.

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