You've heard the call!
You’ve landed here because we met in person or virtually, or you were nudged from above.
The PayPeaceForward movement is manifesting PEACE on EARTH beginning with those who are:
Ready to experience more peace.
Willing to explore opportunities to consciously collaborate to manifest PEACE on EARTH.
Together, we empower even more peace in hearts, minds, homes, classrooms and communities worldwide.
Pay Peace Forward
Give a Dozen Roses4Peace™
This unique gift is special on its own or can be a beautiful expansion to your chosen card, gift or bouquet of flowers. Honor your teachers and loved ones with this precious gift. Each card gift set includes one dozen distinctive roses with twelve questions to live into and a mindfully prepared package. This one of a kind gift is enclosed in a 3" x 4 1/2" golden gift envelope making it simple to give this gift of peace.
Invoke Peace
HeartSpa™ Song Accelerators
Access 12 HeartSpa™ song accelerators to prepare your heart and mind to welcome the twelve aspects of peace into your life. This introductory package includes viewing access of the vibrational art that expands the experience of each song accelerator and a behind the scenes account of the conscious co-creation of this Divinely inspired Gift of Love.
Sound changes form.
An opera singer can crack a crystal glass.
Play as ONE!
Experience the wisdom adventures of BbLlUue™
This Living Book of Love™, inspired by Deborah's young grandchildren to bring families together to play as ONE.
Conscious creation of the BbLlUue™ pilot began with a telepathic exchange between Deborah and a brilliant light. This young child, like many children today, explores the world in ways not easily understood by others.
Pre-Launch BONUS
Pre-order the BbLlUue™ Limited Edition and when it's released, you will receive the behind the scenes account of the making of this new genre, The Living Book of Love™ Your purchase includes a VIP invitation for you and your children or grandchildren to be part of the next chapter of this extraordinary adventure. This new genre is mindfully published for PEACE.
Prepare for the arrival of this transcendent publication.
Children of all ages are sharing their unique genius to help manifest Peace on Earth and you can too!
The Key
To Post COVID Student Success
Experience the Key to Post COVID Student Success in less than eight minutes as the founder of the HeartSpa shares her inspirational journey to the heart of education to help parents, teachers and professionals empower the unique gifts of ALL children.