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Accelerate Your Results

When you are ready to accelerate your results


The Twelve HeartSpa™ Invocations are foundational frequencies expanded from the twelve original HeartSpa™ Invocations received at the  threshold of 2012 during a 40 day technology fast. These distinctive Light Language song tracks have been upgraded and remastered for 2022. 

This special offer includes viewing access to the vibrational art that compliments each song accelerator track to expand your experience using  color and form.

Together, we empower even more peace in hearts, minds, homes, classrooms and communities worldwide.

What is a HeartSpa Song Accelerator? 


HeartSpa song accelerators are recorded from the space and place where Deborah's soul meets God in locations of power and beauty to prepare hearts and minds to manifest Peace on Earth.  

Sound changes form. 

An opera singer can crack a crystal glass.

Each track expresses light codes that speak directly to cellular memory, awakening and nourishing each cell with codes of light at a deep core level. Listening to HeartSpa™ Light Language allows access to a space of deep peace. With each chosen experience, there is the opportunity to go further into the infinite expanse of divine potential to access one’s Divine Blueprint and re-member one’s unique genius gifts. 

HeartSpa song accelerators project the the voice of God through frequency, sound and song to accelerate your journey.  For best results, commit to living your highest potential and have faith that it is done.

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Deborah O. Baker is an Expansion Catalyst, award winning educator, sought after facilitator, and NY Times best selling co-author who is on a tenacious mission to manifest PEACE ON EARTH.


Accelerate your genius journey even more by joining the PayPeaceForward movement.  When you join, you receive many benefits to include access to the Living Library that includes an ever expanding library of exclusive HeartSpa™ song accelerators not offered  elsewhere. 


In December 2006, Deborah experienced an instantaneous shift in consciousness following a powerful Chakra clearing massage from a Reiki master. In the ten days that followed, she dropped 15 pounds, wrote a book, downloaded the framework of her life path, and witnessed yoga postures emerging in mediation without having received any formal yoga instruction. When she returned to the classroom after winter break, her principal asked, "What happened to you?" At that time, she didn't have an answer. What happened wasn't something she had learned about in any classroom. In search of answers, in 2007, Deborah awakened the singing voice that had been shut down since 1st grade and left the high school classroom to journey to the heart of education.  With powerful lessons learning to listen, trust and allow, she received advanced training in Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapy, Reiki, Integrated Energy Therapy, Lightwave Energy Therapy, Uttati Aromatherapy, and New Earth Academy Innovation. In 2014, she learned that some of her most advanced teachers are masters of unity consciousness disguised as beyond verbal autistic.


One fall morning in 2013, Deborah's future forward writing revealed that she would soon meet a young man with the keys to scientific education. That day, as a substitute teacher in a special needs classroom, she heard the telepathic message of an eight year old non verbal master and responded with a whisper of Light Language that awakened an understanding of his unique gifts. Deborah is known as a teacher, mentor and coach who connects heart to heart in ways beyond words.

HeartSpa, Inc.
Empower solutions.  Inspire peace.

(c) 2021 HeartSpa, Inc.
All Rights Honored with Love.

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