Memory Ignition
Eliminate Overwhelm
Increase Clarity
Are you ready to set your pilot light for master manifestation?
Memory Ignition fans the heart flame to ignite a fire of remembrance. Activate your internal compass from the where your soul meets God and anchor it in your DiamondHeart.
Calibrate your human experience to your unique genius and journey future forward with clarity, courage and confidence.
If you’ve found that other programs have left you wanting more, it's now time for your Memory Ignition.
Together, we empower even more peace in hearts, minds, homes, classrooms and communities worldwide.
What is a master manifester?
A Master Manifester magnetizes all things good necessary to live one’s highest potential in joyful service.
If you are awake and seeking to step into your unique genius, let me show you the easy way.
Memory Ignition does not use tools, tactics or techniques, rather, it is the voice of God through frequency, sound and song that tunes your vibration to your unique genius in an instant.
No work is required, but faith is.
Deborah O. Baker is an Expansion Catalyst, award winning educator, sought after facilitator, and NY Times best-selling co-author who is on a tenacious mission to manifest PEACE ON EARTH.
Anchor your internal compass with a private Memory Ignition session with Deborah.